"A story beats with the heart of every person who has ever strained ears to listen. On the breath of the storyteller, it soars. Until its images and deeds become so real you can see them in the air, shimmering like oases on the horizon line." Cameron Dokey, The Storyteller's Daughter

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Well, summer is winding down and those busy days of school will soon be here.  As we all head for the mountains or the beach or the park to have our last "summer fling", don't forget to load up on cold drinks, ice cream, hot dogs and STORIES.  Yes, stories will make the event something truly memorable.  You know you have them, share them with your family and friends and anyone who will listen!  It's always appropriate to share stories around the campfire, in the car, or while hiking.  Consider inviting a professional storyteller along when you are planning that reunion or community celebration.  Everything goes better with a story.  Happy August!

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