"A story beats with the heart of every person who has ever strained ears to listen. On the breath of the storyteller, it soars. Until its images and deeds become so real you can see them in the air, shimmering like oases on the horizon line." Cameron Dokey, The Storyteller's Daughter

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The tulips in my yard are several inches high, the daffodils are blooming, the crocus are "past their prime", so it looks like spring...despite the somewhat cool weather and occasional snowstorm!  This is a time of awakening--for nature and for the rest of us, too.  It's a great time to "awake" to the stories we all have inside ourselves.  Have you shared a story with someone you love recently?  There's no better way to bring you closer to others than to "open up" with a story.  If you don't have enough of your own, bring a storyteller into your party, event or activity and let someone else fill the spring air with the sound of story.  (Then you can re-tell those stories to others!)  A good story bears repetition.  Have a great spring and keep telling tales, Laurie

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