"A story beats with the heart of every person who has ever strained ears to listen. On the breath of the storyteller, it soars. Until its images and deeds become so real you can see them in the air, shimmering like oases on the horizon line." Cameron Dokey, The Storyteller's Daughter

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Winter is upon us and it feels like the time to curl up with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate.  Why not consider storytelling as an occasional alternative to reading?  Check out your local storytelling guild or group and hire a professional teller for a special event, or take the time to tell (not necessarily READ) stories to family and friends.  My four-year-old granddaughter is one of my best story-listeners.  Whenever we get together, she asks for a story.  Now, she can tell many of the stories to me and to her friends.  What a great way to encourage critical thinking, creativity, and pre-reading skills!  And...she's getting pretty good at the telling.  Her stories follow the linear pattern in the plot and are quite entertaining.  Stories are a great gift you can give to yourself and to those you love, so keep telling tales.

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